Announcement: Temporary Closure

Noah’s Ark is currently temporarily closed until further notice while we deal with some health issues in the family. We will reopen as soon as we can. Thanks for your continued support during this time.

In Memoriam: Joe Lamp

We here at Noah’s Ark Wildlife Center are deeply saddened by the loss of Joe Lamp. He was a dedicated supporter of Noah’s Ark for over 25 years. He has supported us and all the animals here in many ways helping us with fundraising, grant writing, and public relations. Joe and Joann even answered phones for us during a very hectic hurricane response.

He was a major influence in our 1st daughter Jessica’s life, assisting in the process of college application and her ultimate success. He then wrote a wonderful letter of support during the adoption of our 2nd daughter Delana and just recently mesmerized her with his knowledge of orbs and ectoplasma.

Even though we moved to a different state over 17 years ago, we continued to receive his support until his passing. He will be greatly missed by us and all the animals cared for here.

He always told us that “we were golden”, and now he will be “golden” forever.

We will always love you, Joe!

Joe, with our daughter Delana from a recent visit to Maryland
Joe, with Tina Lorentzen, another longtime supporter of NAWC

Happy Fall, Y’all

Fall is here and we are as busy as we’ve ever been. We have had our fair share of wildlife go through our doors in the last few months, in addition to a number of foster dogs! As the weather cools off, our operations do not. We are still taking in patients, and there are some local rehabbers unable to take some, resulting in more calls and more animals through our doors. Your donations are important all year round to help us care for our furry and feathered friends. Our GoFundMe is still active and you can donate there ( or through our PayPal (linked here Even $1 helps! Here is a glimpse into some of the critters we have had in our care lately.

This screech owl was hit by a car and needed our care to get back on its feet.
This hawk was found injured and brought to us for care.
We have had in influx of hawk and owl calls and these babies were part of those calls. They need some care to grow and be able to be released.
These young opossums are showing how big and scary they are! These little ones will be cared for until they are big enough to be released. Don’t worry, we aren’t afraid of those teeth!
This injured bluebird needed our help after it was attacked by a cat.
Another young opossum came through our doors needing our help. It is growing and exploring its current enclosure indoors before it moves to an outside cage.
This isn’t a mouse, its a baby flying squirrel! They need very special, careful care when they are this young. Your donations help us obtain the supplies we need to feed and care for fun species like this!
This juvenile squirrel is in his last indoor cage before moving to an outdoor cage to prepare for release.
This vulture was found acting sick. We suspect a case of bird flu. This disease is still affecting wild bird populations and needs to be treated carefully.
This warbler was injured when it hit a window.
This red-tailed hawk came to us with an injured wing.
This owl was hit by a car, which caused injuries which required medical care.

In addition to all of the wildlife, we have also continued to help out domestic animals as well! This little Boston Terrier puppy was born with a cleft palate and needed transport for the Save the Clefts rescue! We have fostered with them in the past and this one spent a night with us getting specialized care before moving on to his long-term foster.

We have also done some longer term fostering of several dogs. Most recently, we took in a mama dog and her 8 puppies that needed a foster home. 6 of her puppies have been adopted, but two of them and her are still looking for their forever homes! If you are interested in adopting any of them, contact us via email or the rescue Mayberry 4 Paws!

This sweet girl is Tara. She is a mixed breed dog around 35-40 lbs. She seems to be a herding breed and doesn’t like cats. But she is very loving, smart, and playful!
This little lady is Bean! She is looking for her forever home!
This handsome little man is Blaze! Could you be his forever family?

As you can see, its been a busy few months, as usual. Luckily, we recently received a wonderful surprise! The Jack Family Foundation presented us with a $10,000 grant! Our greatest appreciation goes to Lauren and the entire foundation for this gift. In addition to this, Midsummer Brewing in Westfileld, NC is so generously hosting a chili cookoff to benefit Noah’s Ark! See their events page on their website ( or their Facebook event for more information on how to participate or to attend ( With these donations, our animals and our facility will be funded for several months, but we still need support from donations like yours to keep everything running smoothly into the future. Thank you all so much for your support!

Tree Service Helps Big Time

On May 26, 2023, we received a call about a baby squirrel that was in need of help. The person brought it to us for care. The next morning, another baby was crying from the nest and in distress. It eventually fell and was brought to us. Then, another baby was in the same predicament. This time, rescue was needed. After searching and calling numerous tree companies, we finally got help. Acorn Tree Care in Reidsville, NC. came to our rescue. They agreed to donate their services, go to the site and check the nest. They provided the manpower and a lift to get up to the nest and recover the last remaining baby. The baby is now being raised with its sibling here at Noah’s Ark. This was a wonderful donation from a compassionate, generous company and we and the baby are extremely grateful. We highly recommend Acorn Tree Care for any work you may need! Their number is 336-264-1802.

An update to this story – The squirrels recovered by Acorn were released into the wild on July 20, 2023 at a beautiful site in Lawsonville, NC. A great end to a long voyage. Thanks again goes to Acorn Tree Care as well as the volunteer that allowed their release! Donations come in all different forms and this donation of services greatly helped these squirrels!

As our summer season continues, we have added a foster dog, Maya, who is in need of a forever home. We also are preparing to receive an abuse case, a red Siberian Husky named Willow that has been severely malnourished, and is currently being treated for mange, ringworm, and a raging skin infection. Her recovery is one of many animals that depend on donations from generous supporters like you.

Maya, our current foster dog

Maya is very sweet and loves to be around people. She would make the perfect companion for someone who is active and wants a furry friend by their side! If you are interested in her, please contact us or Mayberry 4 Paws (, the rescue we are fostering for.

Our GoFundMe is still active (! Its been a fairly quiet summer, but calls have started for the late summer/fall baby season so things will ramp back up quickly. Your donations help us care for our animal patients all year long!

Earth Day, Today and Every Day!

This weekend is Earth Day, but we celebrate that everyday here at Noah’s Ark, taking care of earth’s fauna. We actually took in some baby opossums to celebrate this year. We have been busy, with baby season in full swing. It had an early start and its not slowing down anytime soon. Luckily, our clinic is fully operational again and we had it expanded. The new addition is already filling up with supplies and critters! We are still in need of donations, both for our day-to-day operations, but also for continuing repairs and upkeep around the facility. We have 3 outdoor cages which need roof replacements, in order for them to be safe spaces for our animals to spend their time transitioning from indoors to their release sites. Every little bit helps!

Our clinic addition has already been filled with supplies and animals. We are so grateful that your donations could allow us to expand our facility and continue our mission.
Our clinic addition also allows us to have a larger exam station, for our injured patients. We now have more space to diagnose and treat before they are moved to a cage in the clinic!
These squirrels are taking residence in our clinic addition before they go outside to prepare for release.
These baby opossums came to us on Earth Day! They will be fed and cared for while they grow and can be released back into the wild.
This young mourning dove is recuperating after being attacked by a dog
Baby bunnies are regular patients of ours this time of year
This chipmunk came into our care late last year and had to be overwintered. Your donations kept food in his cage during the cold winter months! Now that the weather has warmed up, it will be released very soon!

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has arrived in full force here at Noah’s Ark! We had a very mild winter so the calls for baby animals started earlier than normal this year. We already have been tending to baby squirrels and bunnies galore, with no doubt more to come. We need your support to keep these babies fed and healthy before they get released later this season. Here are some of the critters we have had in our care recently .

These baby bunnies are wondering “Mom?!” These little ones will be with us for several weeks while they grow! “Hoppy” Easter!
2 of our several baby squirrels we have in our care right now. Baby season started earlier than normal this year and may extend longer as well. Your donations help us buy formula and produce for these babies!
The baby opossums are far too young to be without their mom! So we will take over until they can be released in a few months.
This female cardinal was attacked by a cat and needed medical care for her wounds.
This adult opossum was hit by a car. As its baby season, if you see an opossum hit by a car, keep in mind that it could be a mom with babies in her pouch! Call a wildlife rehabber if you need assistance.
This downy woodpecker was attacked by a cat. It has had medical attention and is happily perching in its cage while it heals!

Our clinic is mostly back up and running, just in time for baby season. We have some squirrels in the newly added addition right now! It is already making things much easier to operate and we are better able to keep animals separated if needed. We are still working to wrap a few things up on it for it to be 100%. We still have our GoFundMe going ( for our daily operations. Every little bit helps! It all goes to the care of the animals and the upkeep of our facility. Have a great and wild summer, and we will update again soon!

Clinic Progress

FINALLY some good news! Our clinic repair and addition projects are both moving along nicely and we hope to be ready to resume normal operations in time for the rapidly approaching spring baby season. Even though this work is almost done, we still need to continue our gofundme ( and other fundraising efforts to cover the high cost of finishing work and the care of all the patients we receive year round. Also, our large outdoor caging areas need major roof maintenance and repairs, and we have 2 more large outdoor units that need be set up as well. We need your support to make these things happen. 

The roof on the clinic had to be removed and repaired after the tree damage from last summer. Here it is being put back together!
We decided to double the size of our clinic as part of the repair project. It will give us more space and storage for the animals in our care.
The interior of the addition after construction.
We were fortunate to get assistance with windows and drywall for the addition. Sunlight is important for the animals that have to be kept indoors while they heal and grow!
The space is coming together! We use dry-erase board for a final wall covering for ease of cleaning and the ability to make notes about animals.
Rather than use space heaters and window A/C units, we installed a mini-split HVAC unit to help keep the temperature comfortable for the critters

These repairs and upgrades are still ongoing. We are still in need of donations to finish the addition to the clinic and to fund the care of the animals we have, and will be able to take in the future!

 We did get a great surprise in December. A $10,000.00 donation was made in memory of Ted’s dad, Teddey W Kitzmiller, by The Roto Rooter Group in Cincinnati, Ohio. Teddey was a dedicated 50 year + employee there (basically his entire working career). This wonderful gift has allowed us to replace and upgrade our HVAC system and make more clinic improvements than originally planned. Our deepest gratitude goes out to The Roto Rooter Group, especially CEO Mr. Spencer Lee for making this happen.

Over the winter, we have had a steady flow of patients including squirrels, owls, opossums, a chipmunk, and 2 cleft palate English Bulldog puppies. The puppy care is very intense and expensive. Also, we just released a mourning dove back to its home after being treated for head trauma.

This injured wren is looking forward to being back in the wild!
This opossum was injured and needed help to heal before being released.

The cleft palate puppies came to us just a few days before Christmas. We have named them Luna and Mona and they are growing, growing, growing! We are fostering them through the Save the Clefts Rescue. Please contact them if you are interested in adopting one or both of these sweet pups!

Luna and Mona say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Please keep us in mind when considering making donations. Our year round work never stops, and funding for day to day expenses is always a challenge to acquire.

We thank you for your continued support, and HAVE A WILD DAY!

Winter is on its way…

And we need your help! Donations are key right now, as work has begun on the clinic repairs and we have some animals that will need to be overwintered! We still have our GoFundMe active ( and you can also donate via our PayPal. Also, consider selecting us as your Amazon Smile charity or donate on Giving Tuesday, which is coming up on November 29th! Any little bit helps.

With the repairs beginning on the clinic, we are hopeful to have space to keep new patients soon! And we are still taking things in on a limited basis. Here is a taste of what we have gotten in lately.

These two squirrels came in recently and will need to be overwintered, as they are too young to go outside before the cold of winter sets in. The chipmunk from the previous post will also be overwintering with us! We need your donations to provide fresh produce and nuts to these little ones!
This black vulture came to us after being hit by a car.
This barred owl had some head trauma after being hit by a car.
This screech owl was also a case of being hit by the car.

We also need to provide some updates! Cleo, the sweet cleft lip puppy we fostered has found a new home! She was adopted by a family in Maryland and is already settling in well with her new family. While it can be sad, it is so nice to see a foster pup move on to their forever home.

The kinkajou was quite an adventure but we didn’t have the resources to care for it long term and it seemed to have some health issues. Fortunately, Carolina Tiger Rescue was able to have it seen by their vet, who treats all of their exotic rescues (they have 3 kinkajous in their care). Unfortunately, its health condition was too severe and it was unable to be saved. But we are very thankful for Carolina Tiger Rescue and their guidance. It was such a unique experience and we are thankful we were able to provide the kinkajou a warm, safe place to land.

We hope you have a nice holiday season and continue to support us through the winter! Your donations make it possible for us to care for the wildlife of North Carolina each and every day. Even if you can’t donate, if you can share our GoFundMe or our cause with others, it is greatly appreciated! Stay tuned for more updates!

Clinic Damage

A couple of weeks ago, a tree fell and damaged our clinic. It fell down the center of the roof and caused significant damage. The entire roof needs to be replaced and the framing of the walls will need to be addressed. The wall was buckled out at the top near the roof-line through the entire structure. As this space is critical for us – we use it as a final stop for our critters before they move to outside cages, and our large ICU cage is there as well – we cannot take any more animals into our care until this is fixed! We greatly need help to get this fixed, and your donations can help us get this fixed quicker as they will help us pay for what insurance won’t cover. Its hard to know just how extensive the damage is until work begins to fix it. It also caused damaged to the shed behind the clinic, which we use to store cages, etc. though it wasn’t nearly as extensive. Please consider donating using the Paypal link at the bottom of the page or the donate tab above to help us get back on our feet for the wildlife of North Carolina!

The tree as it fell on the shed and clinic.
We had to put up a tarp to keep weather out of the building. Please donate so we can get this fixed quickly!
Damage to the shed – cracked fascia board and there are some cracked wood inside the roof as well. May need shingles and plywood replaced.
You can see the wall separation by our ICU cage.
More separation of the walls at the roof inside

Its hard to really convey the damage in pictures. It is not at risk of falling, but its not safe to continue using as it is. This space also houses our dog Oliver, as it meets his needs with his health conditions. It is an important part of our operations and getting it repaired quickly is critical. Your donations will help us with that, as insurance may not cover everything. Our wildlife needs us and we look forward to getting this fixed and getting back to work!

In Memoriam

We are saddened by the loss of Velvet’s grandmother, Audrey Bailey. She passed away February 5, 2023. She was always a supporter of Velvet and her work with the wildlife. She will be so dearly missed by the whole family.

We are sad to say that we have lost a family member. Teddy’s father, Teddey Kitzmiller, passed away on April 30, 2022 at 84 years old. He was a loving father and grandfather. He is greatly missed by the whole family. Rest in Peace Pops/Granddad. Thank you so much for all of your love and support. We love you.

We are also saddened over the loss of our volunteer of 32 years and board member Sharon “Sha” Emminizer on December 6, 2021 after a hard fought battle with cancer. She will be greatly missed by us and all animals. She was always there at a moment’s notice whenever help was needed whether it was with labor, supplies, or just friendship and emotional support. She was a shining example of true dedication to all animals.

Rest in peace Sha, you deserve it.

Sha, 2nd from the right, helps Noah’s Ark with oiled birds after a spill 25 years ago
“Auntie Sha” meets our daughter Delana for the first time
Sha spending time with Delana while at our center, helping out with feeding baby squirrels after Hurricane Florence in 2018
Sha resting after a long squirrel-feeding stint after Florence. She made sure to come to our center to help just days after we received 55 baby squirrels who needed to be fed around the clock!
She helped in all aspects of the center. Here she is shucking corn for the animals to eat!

COVID-19 Update! We are open and accepting animals using social distancing. Please read more about the wildlife in our care here!

Noah’s Ark is an all volunteer hospital/rehabilitation facility caring for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife.

Noah’s Ark Wildlife is located in Stokes County – Sandy Ridge, North Carolina.

Noah’s Ark is an all volunteer hospital/rehabilitation facility caring for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife. We are licensed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Care for wildlife is provided 24/7 by appointment. Noah’s Ark is not funded by county, state, or federal governments, and is a 501(c)3 organization. Our staff is fully trained and certified by OSHA and Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research for oil spill response and oiled wildlife rehabilitation. We also provide educational programs for schools and civic groups about wildlife and living in harmony with it, and conservation education.

If we don’t take care of the wild, who will?

Contact Us

PO Box 136
Sandy Ridge, NC 27046
Please call for appointment!