A couple of weeks ago, a tree fell and damaged our clinic. It fell down the center of the roof and caused significant damage. The entire roof needs to be replaced and the framing of the walls will need to be addressed. The wall was buckled out at the top near the roof-line through the entire structure. As this space is critical for us – we use it as a final stop for our critters before they move to outside cages, and our large ICU cage is there as well – we cannot take any more animals into our care until this is fixed! We greatly need help to get this fixed, and your donations can help us get this fixed quicker as they will help us pay for what insurance won’t cover. Its hard to know just how extensive the damage is until work begins to fix it. It also caused damaged to the shed behind the clinic, which we use to store cages, etc. though it wasn’t nearly as extensive. Please consider donating to help us get back on our feet for the wildlife of North Carolina!

Its hard to really convey the damage in pictures. It is not at risk of falling, but its not safe to continue using as it is. This space also houses our dog Oliver, as it meets his needs with his health conditions. It is an important part of our operations and getting it repaired quickly is critical. Your donations will help us with that, as insurance may not cover everything. Our wildlife needs us and we look forward to getting this fixed and getting back to work!