We’ve had a few more patients come into our care in the last week. Some normal, and one not so normal! Over the weekend, we got a call from someone who had a strange creature hanging out in their yard. It had been spotted several times over the last 6 months but it wasn’t native. It was a kinkajou! They are an animal native to South America. Unfortunately, they have become a part of the exotic pet trade in the US and it is legal to have one in North Carolina. Likely this one escaped or was let go by its owner. It was very sick and not able to get around well. Clearly having a hard time with the cooler weather starting and a severe upper respiratory infection. We began calls quickly to try to figure out what to do for it. We were able to get advice and guidance from Carolina Tiger Rescue and got it captured and brought to our center. It is such an interesting creature, but one we know nothing about! Through the advice we have been given, we have been able to feed it and start to give it care to help its infection. We are still on the hunt for a vet who will see, treat and evaluate it. Currently, the NCSU Vet School will examine it, but it will cost several hundred dollars to do so – maybe as much as $600. It also needs a lot of fresh tropical produce and high quality dog food. Your donations will help us give this kinkajou the care it needs until we find permanent placement for it.

It looks and acts like a primate with its prehensile tail and the way it climbs in its cage. But its related to raccoons! It also has a long tongue to eat pollen/honey and insects. We are doing our best for the little guy and he is starting to improve.
In addition and on a more native wildlife note, we have a baby chipmunk and baby flying squirrel. They ended up becoming fast friends, as they were housed together to give each other company. Flying squirrels, while not seen often and therefore thought to be rare, are quite active in North Carolina. Being nocturnal and very quiet when they soar from tree to tree makes them tough to spot. If you put some food out at night, you may just see some coming in for a snack! Your donations help make it possible for us to continue to care for wildlife while are clinic is still in need of repair!

As said, our clinic still needs repairs. Work should be starting in the next week or so but we still need more funds to complete the project – which requires refinishing the interior. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help us! Finishing the clinic repairs will allow us to take in more wildlife. Your donations will also go towards care for the kinkajou while we have it. Thank you so much for your support!