And we need your help! Donations are key right now, as work has begun on the clinic repairs and we have some animals that will need to be overwintered! We still have our GoFundMe active ( and you can also donate via our PayPal. Also, consider selecting us as your Amazon Smile charity or donate on Giving Tuesday, which is coming up on November 29th! Any little bit helps.
With the repairs beginning on the clinic, we are hopeful to have space to keep new patients soon! And we are still taking things in on a limited basis. Here is a taste of what we have gotten in lately.

We also need to provide some updates! Cleo, the sweet cleft lip puppy we fostered has found a new home! She was adopted by a family in Maryland and is already settling in well with her new family. While it can be sad, it is so nice to see a foster pup move on to their forever home.

The kinkajou was quite an adventure but we didn’t have the resources to care for it long term and it seemed to have some health issues. Fortunately, Carolina Tiger Rescue was able to have it seen by their vet, who treats all of their exotic rescues (they have 3 kinkajous in their care). Unfortunately, its health condition was too severe and it was unable to be saved. But we are very thankful for Carolina Tiger Rescue and their guidance. It was such a unique experience and we are thankful we were able to provide the kinkajou a warm, safe place to land.
We hope you have a nice holiday season and continue to support us through the winter! Your donations make it possible for us to care for the wildlife of North Carolina each and every day. Even if you can’t donate, if you can share our GoFundMe or our cause with others, it is greatly appreciated! Stay tuned for more updates!